

a nutritionist, life coach, dietitian, personal trainer, author and spiritual advisor.

After completing an Associate’s degree in General Studies at Central Texas College, then attended Clark Atlanta University to further his education. After a year and a half at Clark Atlanta as a dean’s list student, he had a spiritual revelation that resulted in him dropping out of college, selling his two cars, giving away all of his material possessions, packing two suitcases and journeying to Africa—his ancestral homeland.

While in Africa, spiritual journey took him across Rwanda, Ethiopia, Uganda, Kenya, Tanzania, Egypt, Ghana and Burkina Faso. During that time he frequented the highly treasured and revered mountainous regions of Africa and was taught by Africa’s native spiritual practitioners and elder holistic healers.

has been an avid student of nutrition, health, fitness, personal transformation and spiritual mastery since the age of sixteen. He conducts sports nutrition workshops locally, nationally, and internationally. He has traveled nationally to over thirty States in the U.S., and internationally to The Bahamas, Japan, Korea, Thailand, Maldives (Island country near India), Iraq, and Africa to name a few.

In addition to over twelve years of health, fitness, and nutrition experience, also has extensive sports nutrition, life-coach, and spiritual counseling experience with fitness enthusiasts, professional athletes and spiritual seekers. In one-on-one sessions, he coaches his clients on ways to create a daily food plan that is successful and can be maintained over the long-term. He also helps them reach their optimal weight, diet, spiritual and personal growth goals.

The Way: Volume One: The Detox is the first of three volumes. Volume Two: The Ascension spotlights the more esoteric principles such as melanin, the Third Eye, and the often hidden metaphysical knowledge on prayer, meditation and mastering the-self relationship. Volume Three: The Practice will focus on the practical steps and exercises that give rise to superior health and higher consciousness. It will include detailed but simple to understand practices such as yoga, meditation, yogic breathing, postures, and mudras. hass also recently just finished authoring his most anticipated book titled The Laws of The : Wisely Follow or Blindly Suffer—The Definitive Law Guide To Spiritual Success.


Focusing on holistic detoxification for health, wellbeing, and success, The Detox Volume One in The Way series will help you achieve your optimal nutritional, physical, emotional and spiritual goals. The Way is a holistic guide for the skeptic, the believer and the inquiring mind. While most health programs focus only on physical wellbeing, holistic health is an approach to life, a philosophy, a way of life. Instead of focusing on illness or specific parts of the body, holistic health heals the whole person— body, mind, spirit, and emotions— for optimal health and wellness.

If you’re ready to make a change for the best, to live consciously and holistically, and to elevate yourself, physically, spiritually, emotionally, and financially; The Way can show you how.

Bringing together the untold science of Melanin, ancient esoteric secrets of the Pineal Gland, and how to develop your higher-self, The Ascension Volume Two in The Way series will help you achieve higher consciousness, inner strength, as well as your mental and spiritual goals. The Way is a holistic guide for the skeptic, the believer and the inquiring mind. While most health programs focus only on physical wellbeing; holistic health is an approach to life, a philosophy, a way of life. Instead of focusing on illness or specific parts of the body, holistic health heals the whole person— body, mind, spirit, and emotions— for optimal health and wellness.

You are about to embark on an amazing journey toward self-awareness, self-actualization and self-empowerment. The knowledge within these pages can transform your life. I know, because it transformed mine.

As a young man I had a spiritual revelation and traveled to Africa—my ancestral homeland. My spiritual journey took me across the continent where I was taught by native spiritual practitioners and elder holistic healers. In Africa I was spiritually directed to gather the laws of the universe. They are the principles that govern every aspect of life. The universe exists in perfect harmony by virtue of these laws. They control and dictate what science calls energy, and what religions call God. If you understand the laws that govern Y.O.U. (Your Own Universe), you can manipulate, shape, and mold them to your liking. I have compiled these 124 Universal Laws and their use in The Laws of The .

These laws are the rules to The Game of Life. Mastering them will help you succeed in all aspects of life. The Laws of The is a credible, and authentic source of wisdom and guidance that anyone can use to create whatever it is they desire to have or become.


spiritually coaches/mentors students privately or in group settings. Personal coaching sessions are offered by , either in-person or long distance by Skype. Each session or class is unique and intuitively guided by what is psychically read and revealed.

Having a coach who can see your highest pathway, and your spirit is an amazing gift to give yourself to align your steps for ease, validation, success, and so much more.

Events & Workshops

Read below to find events with that are happening in your area, and alert you to ground-breaking retreats, speaking engagements, and seminars that you won’t want to miss. We’re looking forward to meeting you in person soon!

I will be doing a pre-conference workshop at the Phoenix Celebrate Your Life conference. The event will take place at the Sheraton Phoenix Downtown Hotel on November 6 Check back later for details!
This seminar-at-sea leaves port from Ft. Lauderdale to Eastern Caribbean islands.

Featuring some of the most respected spiritual leaders on the planet, including Lisa Williams, don Jose Ruiz, Kim Russo, Dannion and Kathryn Brinkley, Denise Linn, Mas Sajady, Carol Tuttle, Mona Lisa Schulz, Judy Satori, and many more! Be sure to mention that you heard about the cruise from me!

Focusing on holistic detoxification for health, wellbeing, and success, The Detox Volume One in The Way series will help you achieve your optimal nutritional, physical, emotional and spiritual goals. The Way is a holistic guide for the skeptic, the believer and the inquiring mind. While most health programs focus only on physical wellbeing, holistic health is an approach to life, a philosophy, a way of life. Instead of focusing on illness or specific parts of the body, holistic health heals the whole person— body, mind, spirit, and emotions— for optimal health and wellness.

If you’re ready to make a change for the best, to live consciously and holistically, and to elevate yourself, physically, spiritually, emotionally, and financially; The Way can show you how.

Bringing together the untold science of Melanin, ancient esoteric secrets of the Pineal Gland, and how to develop your higher-self, The Ascension Volume Two in The Way series will help you achieve higher consciousness, inner strength, as well as your mental and spiritual goals. The Way is a holistic guide for the skeptic, the believer and the inquiring mind. While most health programs focus only on physical wellbeing; holistic health is an approach to life, a philosophy, a way of life. Instead of focusing on illness or specific parts of the body, holistic health heals the whole person— body, mind, spirit, and emotions— for optimal health and wellness.

You are about to embark on an amazing journey toward self-awareness, self-actualization and self-empowerment. The knowledge within these pages can transform your life. I know, because it transformed mine.

As a young man I had a spiritual revelation and traveled to Africa—my ancestral homeland. My spiritual journey took me across the continent where I was taught by native spiritual practitioners and elder holistic healers. In Africa I was spiritually directed to gather the laws of the universe. They are the principles that govern every aspect of life. The universe exists in perfect harmony by virtue of these laws. They control and dictate what science calls energy, and what religions call God. If you understand the laws that govern Y.O.U. (Your Own Universe), you can manipulate, shape, and mold them to your liking. I have compiled these 124 Universal Laws and their use in The Laws of The .

These laws are the rules to The Game of Life. Mastering them will help you succeed in all aspects of life. The Laws of The is a credible, and authentic source of wisdom and guidance that anyone can use to create whatever it is they desire to have or become.